Tumelo launches "ProxySphere" product name

Insight and Press blog post featured image

We are delighted to announce the new name of our
pass-through voting product.

In the early stages, because we launched into an entirely new market, we named our product after what it did: “pass-through voting”. But now that pass-through voting is well recognised and fast becoming a must-have for asset owners around the world, it's about time our product had its own name. Hence, introducing...

Tumelo ProxySphere®

What's in a name?

ProxySphere is inspired by a combination of proxy voting (of course) and our world's atmosphere. Just as the layers of the atmosphere work together to create a balanced ecosystem, proxy voting is a dynamic, interconnected system where all parts must work together to shape the future of shareholder decision-making. We believe our pass-through voting product, Tumelo ProxySphere, plays an essential role in that process.

Our product remains the same; it is just the name that we are rebranding.

A desktop and mobile phone are shown side by side both featuring Tumelo Proxysphere's product homepage for a retail pass-through voting.

Tumelo ProxySphere home page screen for a retail investor.

Take a look at our product page for more details about ProxySphere.

A huge thanks to those of you who gave us feedback on this name — we very much look forward to operating under it.