For institutional investors
Align voting across your investments
Use our bespoke voting technology to gain greater control over stewardship. Have your say on AGM proposals using customised voting or expression of wish.
Our products:

Tumelo ProxySphere
Tumelo ProxySphere technology enables institutional investors in pooled funds and ETFs to vote their shares in proportion to the AUM they have invested.
Key features:
- Vote submission.
- Voting policies.
- Company's proxy documentation.
- Override proxy-advisor vote recommendations.
- Intuitive, modern interface.
Why adopt customised voting?
In this webinar hosted by Pension & Investment Research Consultants Ltd (PIRC) and Tumelo, Nigel Mascarenhas from Camden Borough Council Pension Fund explains why his institution has chosen to customise its voting.
Tumelo ProxySync
Using expression of wish, institutional investors can proactively communicate their voting preferences to their fund managers.
With the ability to see how fund managers have voted, expression of wish encourages better communication and accountability between investors and their managers.
- Vote-preference submission.
- Voting policies.
- Intuitive filtering.
- Company's proxy documentation.
- Override proxy-advisor vote recommendations.

“This exciting new tool enables members to see what companies their pension funds are invested into, learn more about those companies and engage on Annual General Meeting (AGM) proposals ranging from topics such as CEO remuneration to whether a company should conduct a civil rights and discrimination audit.”
Patrycja Coz
Product and Digital Transformation Manager Fidelity International
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Download our white paper or book a demo for more information on pass-through voting.

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